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Surveillance specialists

Many know that it is video surveillance that can solve many problems and provide information that can not be obtained in any other way.

Professional surveillance of his wife

The only true tool that will let you know if your wife has a boyfriend is to conduct professional video surveillance or even photo surveillance of your passion.

We will help to hire a detective for shadowing

There is quite a reasonable question about how much it costs to hire a detective for surveillance.


In this section, we will be posting all kinds of useful information. Articles, news, reports, analysis, etc. Selection of this information is based on subjective considerations. Put that in our opinion it interesting and useful. And it does not necessarily have to conform to our views, we are unconcerned about the fact that for each subject there are many points of view.

Surveillance specialists

Many know that it is video surveillance that can solve many problems and provide information that can not be obtained in any other way.

Professional surveillance of his wife

The only true tool that will let you know if your wife has a boyfriend is to conduct professional video surveillance or even photo surveillance of your passion.

We will help to hire a detective for shadowing

There is quite a reasonable question about how much it costs to hire a detective for surveillance.

Tracking a person through the phone

Someone following the person by phone number may seem absurd and not ethical, and completely illegal.

Locate by mobile

How to determine the location of a person by mobile number? A question that does not arise just like that.

Remove fingerprints from the object

Dactyloscopic examination or, in simple terms, fingerprinting, may be necessary at any time and to any person. And it is not necessary that there must be absolutely murder or some other serious crime.

Who to hire for surveillance

Very often people are faced with situations where the credibility of a partner is lost, be it relationships in the family, in business, in friendship. And in such cases it is very important to have a maximum of information that will allow you to draw the right conclusions and not do anything stupid

How to establish surveillance of a person

People of our generation are those who spent their childhood in the yard playing different games. And certainly among such games were spy surveillance, investigations and much more, related to private detectives.



Thanks to you I found out about my husband's infidelity. And the work was done quickly. Though it was painful. But better that than to live a lie. The…

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Anatoly I.

Not long ago, I had suspicions in relation Accountants of my company. I decided to check them out and used the services of a detective agency. It turned…

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I began to suspect his wife of infidelity and decided to turn it into a detective agency. Treason really was. Many thanks to the agents.

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