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Surveillance specialists

Many know that it is video surveillance that can solve many problems and provide information that can not be obtained in any other way.

Professional surveillance of his wife

The only true tool that will let you know if your wife has a boyfriend is to conduct professional video surveillance or even photo surveillance of your passion.

We will help to hire a detective for shadowing

There is quite a reasonable question about how much it costs to hire a detective for surveillance.

Identification of adultery

How to check your loved one's betrayal

Not so rare, there are times when one spouse begins to doubt the loyalty of the other partner. And then there is the need to be convinced of this, or, on the contrary, to deny all rumors and dispel doubts. After all, surely if not everyone, but many of the spouses were asked this question: "How do I check treason?". To help you with this can our detective agency "Private detective Ivano-Frankivsk." We provide services for a variety of activities that make it possible to establish whether or not the place to be adultery. We employ only professionals with extensive experience in the implementation of such orders. Identification of infidelity - is one of the main directions of our activity.

It should be noted that in our work, we never use illegal methods . Also, for us the most important is the performance of a client task. And you can be absolutely sure that your significant other would never guess that, with regard to him or her is checking allegiance . Apart from the fact that in our detective agency employs the best professionals , they also use the latest technology , the latest technical developments that make it possible to obtain a complete and accurate picture of your match . Thus, in our work we use photo-and video equipment to have on hand could remain the evidence that was to identify changes . For example, if you're going to go somewhere on vacation or a business trip , then leaving the other half at home, you also can order a photo or video , which is set out in more detail in the appropriate section of our website.

One of the methods of our work is the use of lie detector or polygraph . When in doubt, suggest your partner to pass a polygraph test in our company, which is impossible to cheat . And if a person is lying , then the technique is immediately reveal . For more details on this service you can read in the appropriate section of our website. We can only say that the result is unambiguous and unmistakable. Also on our site has a page devoted to the topic of how well it scans for loyalty. In that case, when you, for example , who is going to tie up your life, but do not believe that no one else can take your place , you can do an experiment and trigger your chosen or elect to commit adultery. And to succumb to this provocation or not - the choice checked a man who did not even guess that this is just a test .

Most believe that most wives are asked to check on her husband's infidelity . But in fact, experience shows that men do not neglect the help of experts and organize the test of loyalty to his wife . Especially if the husband spends more time at work , trying to provide for his family . This is sometimes , unfortunately , provokes their wives on the exploits on the side, while her husband is working .

You absolutely should not worry about the question of how to verify the infidelity . Just go to our detective agency , and we do it ourselves, giving you just the bare facts . And no matter what city you are located in Ukraine , we can solve your problem , thanks to the extensive contacts throughout the country.



I really liked your work with clients, everything works. Your work helped me a lot, I justified myself and a lot of things changed for the better. Thank…

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Three months later, after my mother died, a man came to my house fairly old age, and said that I was his daughter, but my mother always said that he…

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Good afternoon. Completely satisfied with the work you have done. I will be not only the handle if necessary, but also to recommend your agency to my…

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