+38 (096) 253-07-07

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Surveillance specialists

Many know that it is video surveillance that can solve many problems and provide information that can not be obtained in any other way.

Professional surveillance of his wife

The only true tool that will let you know if your wife has a boyfriend is to conduct professional video surveillance or even photo surveillance of your passion.

We will help to hire a detective for shadowing

There is quite a reasonable question about how much it costs to hire a detective for surveillance.


Detective Agency in Coloma

Modern man is very selective when it comes to cooperation and partnership with anyone, as well as the choice of the executor of a service. And it is quite normal position, given that today there is a huge number of different scams and simply unscrupulous people. Therefore, we did not surprised that our detective agency "Private Detective Ivano-Frankivsk" not rarely ask sometimes not the most pleasant questions. But we are always ready for the most honest answer, because we want to be as open as possible with our customers, both potential and constant. And one such question concerns why you should order services is a detective agency and not the private detective who works alone.

The answer to this question is quite simple. As practice shows, there is rarely such cases, when performing a particular order detective does not need outside help. And if a person is in principle has one, it is these customers it sends to the agency from which the price has increased, for understandable reasons, or attracting mates, whose services are not expensive, and their qualifications is questionable. If you decide to work with our detective agency in Coloma, these problems completely excluded because of our service you are paying as much as would have paid the detective alone, but you receive a service of the entire team of specialists. And you no longer have to worry how many people spend identify infidelity husband or wife, and you only care about the end result and the answer to the question, have her lover or suspicions of infidelity of the husband or wife - this is just a misconception.

Plus, those who have already decided to us the question of infidelity and reports received as a result of the photographing video, perfectly seen our level of performance and professionalism. Naturally, such people are a hundred percent sure that our lawyer who is willing to take up the holding of divorce because of infidelity women will be the same high quality professionals who will not fail at the crucial moment and has done his job one hundred percent. And that's just one example of our comprehensive customer service. Of course, that our activity is not limited only to those to determine whether or not changes the second half of our client, although verification of loyalty can be classified as a basic service detective agency in Coloma.

Help CEOs and entrepreneurs

Problems of treason and betrayal found naturally not only in the relationship between man and woman, but between friends, partners, business leaders and their subordinates. No one can give a guarantee that his company does not operate spies who were hired specifically for the conduct of competitors surveillance for the management of the company and its practices. Also, no one can be sure that these spies did not come from the ranks of already working people at the firm, which also is not uncommon, and the exception. One hundred percent to protect themselves from such intrusion is simply impossible, because such attempts will be permanent. But some effort that these actions did not cause substantial harm to you, of course, you can.

To do this, it is important that your company sometimes with or without a specific reason, but always without warning audited on a polygraph. That's a lie detector - this is the tool that will provide even answers from people any questions. Basically, this service is used when we are approached to conduct a full audit staff on a variety of parameters, but also you can use our lie detector in any other situation where, for example, your enterprise will steal, or you have any doubts with respect to a particular applicant.

Also, when our clients feel that against him under surveillance for a man, we always recommend him to use our antiproslushku. But in this case, you do not need to acquire some sort of device. We just carried out checks on the premises detection of eavesdropping devices. And we guarantee that if you have the wiretapping of mobile phones, we can detect them as a result of our search for bugs. Therefore, the collection of information about you will be prevented.

And if you want to meet again with your classmates or just old friends, then your service has always been our ability to search people by name or by other sources. Search of people - it is also one of the main activities of our detective agency in the town of Coloma, which enjoys a large enough demand. We do not rarely work on databases phone people to find a person by phone number or simply to determine its address on the phone. But the search for relatives can take place on other scenarios, one of which is the ability to find by name.





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Grateful family

We noticed that our son has changed a lot in recent times. It is almost no one spoke and stopped joking, as did before. Together with her ​​husband…

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Our company is a very large robbed. And in order to identify the thief, the management decided to check each employee on a lie detector. The culprit…

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Thank you for the work done. For the quality of services provided, for the professional approach and humane attitude to my problem.



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