+38 (096) 253-07-07

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Surveillance specialists

Many know that it is video surveillance that can solve many problems and provide information that can not be obtained in any other way.

Professional surveillance of his wife

The only true tool that will let you know if your wife has a boyfriend is to conduct professional video surveillance or even photo surveillance of your passion.

We will help to hire a detective for shadowing

There is quite a reasonable question about how much it costs to hire a detective for surveillance.


Detective agency in the Dolina

Become a customer detective agency in the Dolina can be absolutely anyone, regardless of whether it is a representative of the company or just a private individual. You can also contact us to obtain a one-time consultation or to perform ad hoc assignments, and work with us on a regular basis. A great advantage of our detective agency is that we can work not only in Ukraine, but also in other countries. Of course, it all depends always already on the specific situation. In one case, a mission sent to our private detective, and in some situations we connect to the order of our colleagues.

People search and search for relatives in the Dolina

Search of people is one of the most popular services in the world of private investigation. And here we are talking not only about finding the relatives of missing persons. But also to us, such requests and representatives of companies who have been deceived by their partners and clients, disappeared after committing fraud. And in such cases we are ready not only to organize the search for people by name or by other sources, but also to conduct a full investigation, if you really are a victim of crime. Also we can find a person by phone number, which, for example, you took the money and disappeared, or we can fully assume the responsibility to repay your debt. This is the advantage of working with our detective agency in the Dolina, when people come to us on the same issue, they can count on a wide range of services. We have such opportunities. A set or simply check the address on the phone we can, through our professional work on databases phones people. Telephone card contains a person sometimes unique information, using which you can not only find the person by name.

Polygraph test

Our detective agency in Dolina conducts a polygraph test. This is quite a powerful tool that is used primarily with a view to carry out checks of people to determine the truth of the information they provide. Scope polygraph incredibly vast. This may be the vetting of personnel, as already works for you and just wants to find a job it is to your company. Often this unit is used to identify the betrayal of her husband or wife. In the course of the audit, our specialist can use any version of the polygraph, depending on the order about what kind of situation is checked. Also is the selection of questions for the respondent person individually.

Search for bugs in all areas of the city Dolina

In the modern world have no problem to keep surveillance of the person who received it on the information they need. And such actions are involved, the fraudsters against individuals, but having a certain monetary value to them, and spies that specifically hire business owners to collect information about their competitors. But no matter what the situation or has developed from you, experts detective agency in the Dolina are always ready to help and not only eliminate surveillance for you, but ivyyasnit exactly who and for what purpose it has arranged.

In such situations, is also very important that you check the premises used to detect eavesdropping devices. But it can not be a single. Conduct professional search bugs need regular intervals. This is due to the fact that even when our specialists will be able to detect and eliminate the wiretapping of mobile phones, there is no guarantee that such devices do not appear again in your phone, or just in the office. But it is worth noting that only a manual search of bugs can be considered truly reliable antiproslushkoy. In addition, you can use the advice of our technicians on how to prevent database access your gadgets and divays by hackers.

Identification of treason in the Dolina

No less serious and quite popular service is by far the identification of infidelity husband or wife. And sometimes it is adultery causes people to contact the detective agency, as anywhere else, and no one they can not get professional help, which will restore restful sleep and get rid of the suspicion that the husband or wife is cheating our customers. Of course, do not always check our allegiance gives solace, as is not uncommon as a result of ongoing surveillance photo turns out that the wife of our client really has a lover. But in this case you will not need to look for a lawyer to file for divorce because of infidelity women. Its services, you can take advantage of our detective agency.





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Thanks to Detective Yaroslav from Ivano-Frankivsk for showing great skill and ingenuity…

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I would not want to advertise that problem, because of the decision which I had to turn it into a detective agency. It just so happened that I did not…

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Good afternoon. Completely satisfied with the work you have done. I will be not only the handle if necessary, but also to recommend your agency to my…

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