+38 (096) 253-07-07

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Surveillance specialists

Many know that it is video surveillance that can solve many problems and provide information that can not be obtained in any other way.

Professional surveillance of his wife

The only true tool that will let you know if your wife has a boyfriend is to conduct professional video surveillance or even photo surveillance of your passion.

We will help to hire a detective for shadowing

There is quite a reasonable question about how much it costs to hire a detective for surveillance.

Graphological psychoanalysis

Psychological analysis of handwriting
Detective Agency "Private detective Ivano-Frankivsk" provides a service to Graphological psychoanalysis. Thus, you can make a psychological portrait of the person you are interested in the pattern of handwriting. Graphological analysis makes it possible to penetrate very deeply into the essence of the person and identify all systems, specify the style of communication, decision-making strategies, as well as many others. In this case, you will be able to elaborate on some points and ask for graphologist more detailed explanation.


 A similar type of service involves the complete privacy. And he should not be a specialist to know anything about the man , the psychological analysis of handwriting which conducts . Also, he will not ask any questions. Even if the analysis of your handwriting , this is absolutely no need to tell anyone . You make an order, give the object of study , and we provide you with all the information. The dialogue begins only after the psychological portrait understood. At this stage, the graphologist only gives advice and answers to your questions. Consistent with this work , we believe that all of these dialogues should be recorded on audio or video media that the client was able to better perceive and understand the revealed information . It may be present as the customer himself and his client . The variant that graphologist will communicate with the client on the phone. We can also send you the results of research in writing by fax or by e-mail . In this case you must make an advance payment . And this version gives a high quality conducted by psychoanalysis. In detective agency " Private detective Ivano -Frankivsk " are professionals who have extensive experience with high precision define the character of the handwriting .

We can not only hold a psychological analysis of handwriting , but also provide you with a comprehensive approach that includes the addition of graphology has physiognomy and symptoms of the disease. In this case, the immediate presence of human psychological makeup that we have to make . This method is primarily used when you need help, for example, in determining the cause of familial disease and to find a method of treatment. In this case, we can make a psychological portrait of the family .
Also psychology of handwriting can help you in the selection of candidates for the vacant seat position in your company. Absolutely no need to spend time on a job interview , graphologist itself will tell you who is worthy to be your employee. Therefore , in many cases , to determine the nature of the handwriting , so protect yourself from something or , on the contrary , do not miss the unique opportunity to work with this or that person .


Mikhnyuk Nikolay Stepanovich


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I began to suspect his wife of infidelity and decided to turn it into a detective agency. Treason really was. Many thanks to the agents.

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Thank you for the work done. For the quality of services provided, for the professional approach and humane attitude to my problem.



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