Handwriting analysis
Handwriting examination
If you can not find certain facts for some reason directly from a person, you pretty much can tell his handwriting. It is for this purpose and is held graphological examination.
Examination of handwriting can easily help determine exactly who owns the document or written note and signature. Also, handwriting analysis in Ivano -Frankivsk can authenticate signatures, or imitation , that is handwritten document falsification .
In the field of forensic forensic handwriting examination can rightly be called one of the most difficult types of research. Its difficulty lies in the writing -motor skills of a person who may have a highly organized psychophysiological basis . The more so because the process of writing can be accompanied by several external and internal factors knocks . So it's really true experts who carried out competently and professionally conduct handwriting analysis is not so much.
But in our detective agency " Private detective Ivano -Frankivsk " are specialists graphological examination which is the main activity . Therefore , if you have the need arises to establish not only the identity of handwriting , but also the condition of the person to whom the document was written by the study , you can contact our detective agency .
Handwriting analysis in Ivano -Frankivsk can deliver results to establish the existence of the one or more records by different people , to establish the prescription writing text. You will also receive data about the gender and age of the person whose handwriting is on the examination .
As of the objects can be used by digital records , handwritten notes , signatures , or the image of the above objects.