+38 (096) 253-07-07

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Surveillance specialists

Many know that it is video surveillance that can solve many problems and provide information that can not be obtained in any other way.

Professional surveillance of his wife

The only true tool that will let you know if your wife has a boyfriend is to conduct professional video surveillance or even photo surveillance of your passion.

We will help to hire a detective for shadowing

There is quite a reasonable question about how much it costs to hire a detective for surveillance.

Physiognomic analysis

Drafting psihoportreta

In detective agency "Private detective Ivano-Frankivsk" you can take advantage of such a service as physiognomic analysis. The specialists of our company can make a physiognomic portrait, using photos, video, or by personal contact with the person. Thus, you will get complete information about the internal qualities of the person and complete conclusion about his character.

Such a conclusion may be drawn from the fact that the physical body is projected onto the human psyche . And if sometimes almost anyone 's expression can evaluate the psychological state of his companion , the specialist can determine the character by facial features in a more global way . It is a powerful tool in determining the personality and psychological characteristics of each person.

Such studies are quite relevant in the current economic situation, especially in the labor market . If properly determine the nature of the face , it can largely facilitate the task of the supervisor in the reduction of staff , or the recruitment of new employees to make the right choice among several candidates.

Also well-formed psihoportret can help to partnership agreements. You can know only superficial information about your potential business partner , which also can be misleading . To avoid unpleasant surprises later , is to protect yourself and to determine the nature of man in the face. This information is enough to continue or terminate the dialogue on cooperation.

If young men and women can identify with precision the nature of the face, then it's possible there would be so many divorces.

So if you need to get the full information relating to your person , as far as it is reliable , responsible and whether you can move with it in business or personal life , you can refer to the detective agency " Private detective Ivano -Frankivsk ." Our experts will analyze and determine the physiognomic character by facial features , giving you a full report. This service is provided strictly confidential.


Vitaliy Shvydchenko

I recently hired Ivano Frankivsk Private Detective Agency to conduct genealogical archive research for me, specifically to find records related to my…

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Oleksiv Ihor Dmytrovych

I applied for the services of Detective ivano-frankovsk, they work very professionally, they helped me with everything I wanted to know and provided…

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Robert Danielewski


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