+38 (096) 253-07-07

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Surveillance specialists

Many know that it is video surveillance that can solve many problems and provide information that can not be obtained in any other way.

Professional surveillance of his wife

The only true tool that will let you know if your wife has a boyfriend is to conduct professional video surveillance or even photo surveillance of your passion.

We will help to hire a detective for shadowing

There is quite a reasonable question about how much it costs to hire a detective for surveillance.

The investigation of crimes

Independent investigation of crimes

Naturally, the investigation of crimes - this is largely the task of law enforcement. But the reality shows that most of these employees are often just do not have to carry all that amount of work that falls on the shoulders of responsible people. And the number of unsolved cases is a clear indication that sometimes just badly needed real help detective. It is this support and offers our detective agency "Private detective Ivano-Frankivsk."

Especially , it is necessary to take into account the time that our technical capabilities significantly superior technical capabilities of policemen . Also, many of our agents are themselves former members of law enforcement, respectively, they have the necessary experience to carry out an independent investigation. Therefore , if you need to investigate accidents in Ukraine or to remove false accusation , you can easily contact our detective agency " Private detective Ivano -Frankivsk ." Our assistance will be important even if your question has already engaged the authorities , but it requires an objective , detailed and more careful consideration of an issue, especially when it comes to criminal cases.

It is worth noting that the private investigation - it is always a lack of personal interest in the outcome of the matter . Accordingly, you will get the results of the independent experts , whose task is to investigate the crime and find the really guilty, but did not show a false accusation as it is, unfortunately, often the case for the implementation of plans . We also carry out an investigation and , if it is a false accusation put forward against you or your loved ones. From experience we can say , private investigation shows that all these accusations are unfounded . And we provide all the evidence that suggest the innocence of our clients. So if it was wrongly accused , then do not despair . Our detective agency is always ready to provide assistance to the detective and an independent investigation to prove otherwise.

Remember that private investigation is no longer solely as objects for writing detective fiction . By using this service, you can significantly change your fate or destiny of someone else. We are always ready for you to investigate accidents in Ukraine or solve any other issues , even outside the country.



Our company is a very large robbed. And in order to identify the thief, the management decided to check each employee on a lie detector. The culprit…

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Anatoly I.

Not long ago, I had suspicions in relation Accountants of my company. I decided to check them out and used the services of a detective agency. It turned…

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Elena and Dmitry

We have every weekend we go to the country. And this time, when we came back, we realized that our daughter is not at home. Usually, it warns us if…

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